Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Mercedes Benz  merupakan salah satu merk mobil mewah yang cukup terkenal karena sudah lama malang-melintang  di kancah permobilan  dunia. Pabrikan Mercedes Benz didirikan pada tahun 1900-an oleh Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz dengan nama awal "The Benz & Cie".  Di Indonesia, penetrasi Mercedes Benz mulai menancap dan mengakar sehingga terkenal dengan taqline-nya Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia melalui 3 perusahaannya yaitu PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia, PT Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia and PT Star Engines Indonesia. 

 Visi  yang ingin diusung oleh Mercedes-Benz Indonesia untuk menjadikan Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia adalah ingin menjadi merk nomor satu  di bidang kualitas, image dan profitabilitas di sektor otomotif Indonesia. Untuk mewujudkan visi tersebut, dijabarkan dalam suatu misi yaitu: memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada semua pelanggan di semua sektor perusahaan, secara berkesinambungan meningkatkan efektivitas dari kualitas sistem manajemen dan kegiatan perusahaan, memperbaiki kualitas produk dan pelayanan secara berkesinambungan, mengembangkan sumberdaya manusia yang terbuka, mampu bekerja secara tim baik di tingkat karyawan maupun pimpinan, peduli terhadap lingkungan dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan semua klien.

Di tingkat masyarakat, upaya yang dilakukan Mercedes-Benz Indonesia dalam mengembangkan  Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia yaitu dengan menciptakan produk mobil mewah yang elegan, desain sporty dan futuristik dengan tidak melupakan brand imagenya sebagai mobil mewah kelas dunia. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Permainan indah, prestasi, pemberdayaan dan keproyekan

Permainan indah, Prestasi, 
Pemberdayaan dan Keproyekan

[] Pertarungan seteru abadi Real Madrid dan Barcelona dalam bulan -bulan ini mencapai puncaknya yaitu dengan adanya 4 pertemuan beruntun. Pertarungan 2 klub raksasa tersebut pada intinya adalah pertarungan antara dua orang pelatih besar dengan dua strategi yang bertentangan. Mourinho merupakan salah satu pelopor sepakbola pragmatis yaitu untuk meraih kemenangan dengan berbagai taktik, termasuk memainkan banyak pemain bertahan. Sedangkan Guardiola, penganut konsep sepakbola indah yang mengedepankan kualitas permainan dengan konsekwensi kemenangan bukanlah segalanya. 

Strategi permainan indah dan pragmatisme seperti layaknya mata uang yang memiliki 2 sisi. Keduanya merupakan satu tubuh tapi sifatnya saling bertolak belakang (meskipun masih memungkinkan untuk disandingkan). Demikian pula dengan pemberdayaan dan keproyekan. Senasib dengan 2 strategi diatas, pemberdayaan dan keproyekan merupakan dua sisi bertolak belakang dengan kemungkinan masih bisa dipadukan.

Manakah yang terbaik, permainan atraktif atau pragmatis, pemberdayaan atau proyek..? Jika boleh memilih pasti keduanya akan kita pilih untuk disandingkan. Tapi kalau disuruh memilih salah satu?
Pilihan kita pasti akan ditentukan oleh paradigma berfikir kita, posisi kita saat menghadapi keduanya, serta situasi dan kondisi yang sedang terjadi. Adakalanya kita harus memilih salah satu dan dikemudian hari pilihan kita harus dilepaskan untuk memilih yang satunya.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Membulu Ulat Bulu yang Belbulu

Membulu Ulat Bulu yang Belbulu

[] Dalam beberapa waktu ini, perikehidupan kita diguncang  oleh banyak sekali fenomena yang penuh kotroversial. dimulai dengan polemik pembuatan kandang gedung yang biayanya konon lebih dari 1000 M, kemudian ada kasus Melinda De dengan kantong ajaibnya (yang berukuran besar) sehingga mampu menampung duit 20 M, sidang pariporno dan yang terakhir adalah adanya demonstrasi dari ulat berbulu yang belkembangbiak secala telbulu-bulu.
Banyak ahli mengatakan bahwa berbulunya ulat bulu karena mereka tidak pernah datang ke tukang cukur penampakan ulat berbulu itu terkait dengan adanya perubahan pola musim, sehingga cocok untuk perkembangan telur kupu-kupu yang selanjutnya berkembang biak menjadi ulat. Banyaknya burung yang disunat diburu membuat predator alami dari ulat bulu tersebut menjadi berkurang secara drastis.

Mungkinkah ulat berbulu itu bermunculan karena Melinda de juga berbulu...?

Atau karena mereka ingin tinggal di kandang yang mau dibangun dengan biaya mahal itu?

Atau karena adegan berkembang biak mereka dibuat film 3gp dan di lihat saat sidang pariporno?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Holidays in Hell: Bali Ongoing Woes

Dunia pariwisata Indonesia, khususnya Pulau Bali mendapatkan kritikan yang cukup membangun oleh Andrew Marshall melalui majalah Time. Melalui tulisannya yang berjudul "Holidays in Hell: Bali Ongoing Woes", sang penulis menceritakan tentang kondisi pariwisata di Pulau Bali yang dianggap memiliki banyak masalah, sehingga apabila berlibur ke Pulau tersebut dianggap seperti datang ke neraka. Anda penasaran dengan artikelnya...? Silahkan baca dibawah ini

Holidays in Hell: Bali's Ongoing Woes

By Andrew Marshall / Bali

The annual monsoon transforms Bali. Rain sweeps across slumbering volcanoes. Moss thickens on ancient temple walls. Rivers swell and flush their trash and frothing human waste into the sea off Kuta Beach, the island's most famous tourist attraction, where bacteria bloom and the water turns muddy with dead plankton. "It happens every year," shrugs Wayan Sumerta, a Kuta lifeguard, who sits with his love-struck Japanese girlfriend amid dunes of surf-tossed garbage. So why, in early March, did the Bali authorities warn tourists that swimming there for over 30 minutes could cause skin infections? The lifeguard tenderly strokes his girlfriend's naked leg. "I guess some people just have sensitive skin," he says. 

Itchy ocean? Just add it to Bali's growing list of seemingly intractable problems: water shortages, rolling blackouts, uncollected trash, overflowing sewage-treatment plants and traffic so bad that parts of the island resemble Indonesia's gridlocked capital Jakarta. And don't forget crime. In January, amid a spate of violent robberies against foreigners, Bali police chief Hadiatmoko reportedly ordered his officers to shoot criminals on sight. You've heard of the Julia Roberts movie Eat Pray Love, which was partly filmed in Bali? Now get ready for its grim sequel: Eat Pray Duck. (Read about Bali's travel boom.)

Most of Bali's woes stem from a problem that rival resorts would love to have: too many tourists. In 2001, the island welcomed about 1.3 million foreign visitors. Ten years later — and despite bombings by Islamic extremists in 2002 and 2005 that killed 222 people, mostly Australian tourists — the island expects almost twice that number. And there are millions of Indonesian visitors too. 

Hotels, shopping centers and restaurants are springing up everywhere to accommodate them. The cranes looming over Kuta are building at least three malls and a five-star hotel. But the less glamorous stuff — roads, power lines, sewers, parking spaces — often remains an afterthought. "The infrastructure is not keeping up with the development," says Ron Nomura, marketing director at the Bali Hotels Association. The island's lack of reservoirs, he says, is a case in point. "Can you believe there is this much rain and we don't have enough water?" (See "The Best of Asia 2010.")

When it comes to Bali, newspaper editors have a seemingly bottomless stock of "Paradise Lost?" headlines. Its rich Hindu culture is so distinctive that many people mistake the island for a separate country rather than a province of the world's most populous Muslim nation. That Bali's tourism industry has survived terrorism attacks and a global recession is a cause for pride. But amid unchecked growth and a creaking infrastructure, it is also a source of complacency. "It's like Bali is slowly committing suicide," says local journalist Wayan Juniarta. 

Bali's Governor I Made Mangku Pastika knows it. In January, he issued a moratorium on new construction in certain built-up areas, and later warned that his lush birthplace might turn into a "dry land full of concrete buildings." Pastika is popular — he investigated the bombings as Bali's then police chief — but his moratorium isn't. "Some people says he's trying to slow down Bali's growth," says Nomura. "That's not necessarily true. What he's looking for is more responsible growth." 

He probably won't find it. Nobody I talked to reckoned that Pastika's measures would influence who built what where. Bali's spiritualism might be a bewildering blend of Hinduism, Buddhism and animism, but the island's planning code is simple: if you build it, they will come. 

And on the way, they'll get stuck in traffic. Complaining about the congestion around the airport or in tourist areas like Kuta is now one of Bali's newest pastimes. Even in Ubud, the seat of the island's art and culture, once sleepy streets are clogged with buses carrying Chinese tourists, who visit the island in ever greater numbers. Vehicle ownership on Bali is rising at an annual rate (12.42%) that far outstrips the growth in new roads (2.28%), according to government statistics. "Traffic will get worse and worse," I Made Santha, Bali's traffic chief, predicted in February. 

Equally damaging to Bali's prestige is the perception among some expatriates that the island is increasingly unsafe. Lusiana Burgess, the 46-year-old Indonesian wife of a retired British pilot, was robbed and killed in her North Kuta home earlier this year and her murderer remains at large. An Australian woman awoke in her villa to be gagged and assaulted by four thieves. Then an American man was stabbed during another robbery attempt in Kuta. A week after that, police arrested and — following an apparent escape attempt — shot dead 34-year-old M. Syahri, from the neighboring island of Lombok, who was suspected of robbing a number of foreigners. 

The statistics actually show a slight decrease in serious crime from 2009 to '10. But Chris Wilkin, a former oil-company executive from the U.K. who retired in Bali six years ago, remains uneasy. "It was very quiet when I moved here," he says. "It wasn't a big attraction for the criminal classes. Now, with the boom, word has got round that there are easy pickings to be had." 

Wilkin, whose Indonesian wife rents villas to expats and knew Burgess, believes the threat of violent robbery will discourage foreigners from leasing properties in remote places. Investing in CCTV, intrusion alarms and bedside panic buttons may only "give a false sense of security," he says. Recently, Wilkin accidentally set off his burglar alarm. Nobody went to investigate, not even the private security guards in his own complex. (Read "Indonesia Arrests Cleric Linked to Bali Bombings.")

Expat anxiety hasn't dented Bali's popularity among its core visitors, the Australians. And why should it? Officially, the Australian government still advises its citizens to "reconsider your need to travel" to Bali due to a "very high threat of terrorist attack," yet more than a hundred flights arrive from Australia every week. The dangers to new arrivals are those commonly faced by tourists everywhere: dodgy food, motorbike accidents, and — as a sign at my Kuta hotel suggests ("No Jumping from Any Balcony into Pool Is Permitted") — beer-fueled misadventure.
A new terminal at Bali's shabby airport is due for completion in 2013. But unless other infrastructure is improved, this will serve only to channel yet more tourists onto a critically overburdened island. For now, however, such doubts are largely forgotten in the rush to cash in on the Bali boom. "Goodness shouts, evil whispers," runs an overused Balinese proverb. But money talks

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HGH Energizer

HGH Energizer

HGH Energizer is an HGH releaser which is provided in supplement form that offers a sustained release for guaranteed absorption and delivery. The company was established in 2002 and have already gained good reputation for its quality products.

Every bottle contains 60 capsules. The company recommends to take 2 capsules everyday. Once you receive the product you will be able to read the detailed recommended dosage for this product. HGH Energizer also comes with a risk-free 90 days money-back guarantee. Through this refund policy, any unhappy customer can call the customer service department of the company and request for a refund.

Recent studies have shown the direct impact HGH has on multiple body functions. By the time you reach 60, your natural production of HGH is most likely to be half of what it was when you were 20. This means that you will have less energy, more body fat, heal slower and have a weaker immune system. Based on research i did and considering herbs used in this product, this product really make sense for those who want to get real benefits of increased hgh level. HGH Energizer is one of best option for natural HGH supplementation

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Goyang India Pak Polisi

Goyang India Pak Polisi

Setelah berhari-hari disuguhi oleh berita yang berisi bencana alam dan dagelan politik, saat ini banyak mata yang mulai situs You Tobe yang sedang bergoyang ala india. Kalau kemarin You Tobe sempat jadi Keong Racun karena menggoda Sinta dan Jojo, kemudian berubah jadi GT-7, bintang JCU  yang diperankan oleh Bonar dan Udin yang besarnya sedunia, sekarang berdandan ala polisi dan bergoyang India.


Goyang India yang diperagakan oleh Pak Polisi mulai heboh setelah banyak televisi yang latah menayangkan video clipnya. Dan saya yakin, fenomena ini akan segera diangkat di dalam talk show-talk show dengan melibatkan para ahli dan pakar. tema yang akan dibahas adalah sebagai berikut:
apakah goyang polisi ala india ini adalah  pengalihan dari isu pembangunan gedung DPR...?

Ataukah untuk menutupi  Tante MD yang menggoyang nasabahnya?

Atau justru bagian dari terorisme ?

Semoga saja teror goyang india ini mampu menjadi hiburan bagi kita semua setelah didera oleh ketakutan karena teror bom buku.